My favourite thing about being a midwife? The relationships you build | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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My favourite thing about being a midwife? The relationships you build

To mark International Day of the Midwife, Reegan Todd [pictured left], a midwife at Newham Hospital, tells us about why she decided to become a midwife and how she is continuing to deliver safe and compassionate care during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Why did you choose midwifery? 

I was approximately 14 years old when I decided I wanted to be a midwife. As a child I was very maternal, it seemed to be one of the only qualities that didn’t change with the many phases I went through. I was always very curious about pregnancy and childbirth and fortunately one of my mum’s friends was a midwife. She would often tell me about her job and I could see the passion and love she had for the profession and it drew me in. To this day I couldn’t be more grateful that she introduced me to midwifery as I couldn’t love my job anymore then I already do. 

How has the pandemic changed the way you deliver care to women?

The biggest challenge I have found with delivering care is the delay. In obstetrics things can dramatically change in a matter of seconds and it’s second nature to midwives to want to be there immediately to give necessary care and support to your patient, however ‘donning’ and ‘doffing’ PPE is essential to maintaining good infection control during the covid-19 pandemic. So improving my patience and ensuring I am adequately protected before jumping in to treat a patient is something that was difficult at first but I’m starting to get the hang of. 

How have you offered support to women worried about giving birth during this period?

A lot of women have expressed concerns regarding giving birth during this period. It can sometimes be hard to answer all of their questions as this is new to all of us and we are having to quickly adapt and keep up to date with guidance that is frequently changing. However, a lot of women have felt reassured by just listening to them and communicating effectively and empathetically. I think our unit has done an amazing job with handling the pandemic and a lot of the patients have recognised our efforts to continue giving safe and compassionate care. 

What's your favourite thing about your job? 

My favourite thing about being a midwife is the relationships it enables you to build. You get the opportunity to support a family in one of the most vulnerable and memorable times in their lives. The job can be extremely challenging but the rewards undoubtedly outweigh the stresses. I think the long hours also help you build close relationships with your colleagues meaning you start to feel more like a family unit – that is especially appreciated in times like these.   

Do you have any advice to anyone thinking about becoming a midwife?

My advice to anyone thinking about becoming a midwife would be to make sure they understand what it means. Being a midwife is of course very rewarding, but it can also be emotionally and physically taxing which makes self-care so important. However, if you are committed to the profession (trust me, it takes a lot of commitment, perseverance and passion) then the role is for you. 

Another bit of advice would be to do as much volunteer work as possible. You get more of a patient perspective when doing volunteer work which I think can help build amazing skills for when you’re qualified. 


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