Nurse Anne Claydon awarded BEM | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Nurse Anne Claydon awarded BEM

Anne Claydon, diabetes nurse consultant, has been awarded a Medallist of the Order of the British Empire (BEM) award in the 2021 New Year Honours List

Anne Claydon, diabetes nurse consultant, began her nursing career in south Manchester, where she trained as a cardiothoracic nurse. A few years later, she moved to the then named ‘London Chest’ where she worked as a sister for seven years.

“I did like working there,” says Anne, “but after a while I knew I needed something new, a new challenge. It was a specialist hospital which was great in a lot of ways, but after seven years, I wanted a change.”

That change came 25 years ago, in 1994, in the form of a move to Newham Hospital. “I’d heard about Newham and knew I wanted to go and work there,” explains Anne. “I knew it was a diverse population and that the hospital would be different to where I’d work before. I was right! It was definitely different – and I loved it!”. 

Initially, Anne worked as a sister, and then a matron. After a few years, she was asked to lead the development and running of a new diabetes unit at Newham Hospital from a nursing point of view. Anne jumped at the chance. 

Her day-to-day role involves coordinating the unit’s nursing staff, the strategic development of the unit and working in clinics seeing patients. 

“I love it,” says Anne. “The unit has gone from strength to strength since it started and it’s unrecognisable now – in a good way. Where we are now is miles ahead of where we were, and I know things will only continue to improve.”

Anne also works in The Royal London, Mile End and St Bartholomew’s hospitals diabetes units, as well as working with Diabetes UK. 

When asked about being recognised in the 2021 New Year Honours and receiving the MBE, Anne’s response was incredibly humble. “When I get the email I thought it was a joke!”

Once the shock had worn off, Anne felt a different emotion. “I feel very honoured and humbled to receive such an honour,” says Anne. “Especially given the fact that I couldn’t do any of my work without the fantastic support of those I work with. The doctors and nurses at Newham Hospital, and across Barts Health are brilliant, hardworking dedicated individuals. 

“That’s why for me, receiving this honour is recognition for all of our hard work, not any one individual’s. Without teamwork, nothing would be possible.”

Caroline Alexander CBE, group chief nursing officer for Barts Health, said: “For the last 25 years, Anne has worked incredibly hard to develop and improve diabetes care at Newham hospital and across Barts Health. Her continued dedication to patients and to staff is inspiring, and I’m thrilled her hard work has been recognised with a British Empire Medal.”

Our warmest congratulations to Anne on receiving this fantastic honour. It’s well deserved.  


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