Interview with a Mental Health First Aider, Peter | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Interview with a Mental Health First Aider, Peter

For Suicide Awareness Day 2020, we caught up with Peter Logan, a consultant and Mental Health First Aider at Barts Health.

"My training as a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) has given me the confidence to discuss with staff the importance of looking after our mental health.

This has been particularly highlighted during the pandemic with group reflection and meditation sessions having been well-received within my department. The skills I have acquired have been very useful when having one-to-one conversations with members of staff who were struggling.

I am proud that my colleagues felt they could speak to me in confidence as a trained MHFA and I hope this continues into the future as awareness increases and stigma decreases. I would also like to thank my colleagues within the MHFA Network for the weekly check-ins over the last few months. When I have felt low myself, it has been great to have this as a point of contact."


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