'I will look back on a wonderful and enjoyable career' - IDM 2022 | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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'I will look back on a wonderful and enjoyable career' - IDM 2022

This International Day of the Midwife, Susan Palmer, safeguarding midwife at Whipps Cross, speaks to about journey of progress in her career.

"I qualified as a midwife in 1982 and since qualifying, this is all I have done. I have looked after many of the local women who all come from diverse backgrounds, and for me this is a great pleasure. I have known and still know many families locally and I am now caring for some of the babies I delivered myself who have grown up and having families of their own. To me being a midwife is a privilege, and to be with the women and their families to welcome a new family member.

"Midwifery allowed my confidence to grow, and has helped me meet many interesting people in all walks of life. 

"Part of this career to help prepare midwives of the future, our student midwives, who I have also enjoyed working with. You are never too experienced to gain newer insights from them as they look with a different perspective.  

"I also believe it is important to support colleagues whenever it is needed, and Covid brought that to the forefront. I cannot work alone, we all work together as a team, and many teams within teams. In years to come I will look back on a wonderful and enjoyable career, that at the beginning, I did not believe would last as long as it has. Soon I will be retiring, but not yet. 

'I would like to say a big thank you to my colleagues and midwives who have helped and supported me.''


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