"I am so proud of all our Barts AHPs" | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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"I am so proud of all our Barts AHPs"

Rachel Dalton, group director of allied health professionals (AHP) at Barts Health discusses clebrating the profession on AHP day. 

"This year, we are launching our inaugural Barts Allied Health Professionals Awards. We are taking the opportunity to truly celebrate and appreciate our allied health professionals (AHPs) who number nearly 1,200, spanning 10 different professions.  

"AHPs’ Day on the 14th October is an opportunity to come together and celebrate the diversity of AHPs and their collective contribution to the delivery of high-quality care. It is for all members of the AHP community who want to celebrate the great work that AHPs do and for those who want to learn more about our wonderful professions. 

"The Barts AHP Awards have seen over 100 AHP individuals and teams nominated across nine different categories, representing our core values. The awards will be presented in the Great Hall at St Bartholomew’s on Friday, where we can celebrate their inspiring efforts. 

"I am so proud of all our Barts AHPs and their ongoing commitment to our patients and am truly excited to be with them and applaud their achievements.  

"Keep an eye out for the award results on WeShare next week and don’t forget to celebrate the AHPs you work with, from speech and language therapists to orthoptists, radiographers to occupational therapists."

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