#12DaysofHiddenHeroes: Ossen Sobratty

In the lead up to Christmas, we're shining a light on #12DaysofHiddenHeroes.
On the fifth day of the festive season, we meet Ossen Sobratty, an electrician at St Bartholomew’s Hospital.
Tell us about your role
I’m an electrician and my job is to keep the NHS running by making sure electrical systems and equipment are safe and working correctly.
The NHS relies on electric power and electrical equipment. These are essential to keeping hospitals and other NHS buildings safe and working efficiently.
Many NHS services also use complex electrical equipment to treat patients.
What might surprise people about your role?
Just like doctors and nurses I am in contact with lots of patients and many of the reactive jobs I receive are on wards, for example, repairs to nurse call buzzers.
I also have to gown up and wear PPE in certain areas such as intensive care units and Covid areas.
Proudest patient moment?
I was repairing a bedside light for an elderly patient who was in a Covid ward.
After I completed the job the patient was so pleased and gave me a thumps up as this was the only way for him to communicate with me.
I felt proud that I contributed in a small way to her care and comfort at St Bartholomew’s.
How will you be spending the holidays?
I would love to go abroad with my family but due to current restrictions I will be spending Christmas with my family at home.
I’m looking forward to spending time with my kids and planning to go to Winter Wonderland as I will be off for 9 days.