First dyslexia champions announced | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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First dyslexia champions announced

The first two dyslexia champions for our hospitals have been announced.

John Turner and Funmi Khadiri have both completed the course and are now accredited dyslexia champions for our hospitals.

Dyslexia champions will support Trust staff living with dyslexia.

John said: “I have recently qualified as a dyslexia champion, having just completed the associated training course.

“To say the experience was overwhelming was an understatement. As a non-dyslexic myself I thought I understood both what dyslexia was and how people felt; I could not have been more wrong.

“My partner of 27 years has dyslexia and my experience of the course has really made me analyse and look at myself and my past behaviours towards him.

“At times I have felt ashamed, but then enlightened. Becoming a dyslexia champion has truly opened my eyes to how challenging living with dyslexia on a daily basis can be. It really has helped to begin to change me as  person into a more attentive and respectful communicator. I am looking forward to helping to make a positive difference in my colleagues lives.”

The program Text Help is being rolled out Trust-wide as a support to those with dyslexia.

Staff will be able to access this by going to 'all programs' from 'start' when they login and looking for 'Read&Write'.

They need to click to open and this will be on their task bar.

The programme guide is available to download here:

Text Help User Guide.pdf [pdf] 595KB


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