Covid-19 diaries from the respiratory unit: entry 6 | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Covid-19 diaries from the respiratory unit: entry 6

Royal London Hospital respiratory team members

Sister Myleen Bucsit and staff nurse Mark Dukes from the Respiratory Covid ward on the 13th floor at The Royal London Hospital reflect on the last eight weeks and how it brought their team together. 

What a rollercoaster the last few weeks has been for us.The ward has adapted to the changing needs of patients living with or suspected to have Covid-19 pneumonia. 

It changed from a “normal” respiratory ward to a respiratory high-dependency ward nearly almost overnight, caring for some of the sickest patient affecting by Covid-19 pneumonia. We now support patients during their recovery and rehabilitation from their period of acute illness. 

We are lucky to be part of a nursing team that adapted particularly well to these challenges. Whist I write this as an individual nurse, our achievements were accomplished because of the amazing team effort and spirit. 

The nursing team also saw the challenges we encountered as opportunities, to optimise patient safety but also develop and grow as a team, and not as hurdles or threats. 

Our team changed overnight. We were lucky to get support from other areas of the hospital who came to support the ward. The team welcomed nurses and support workers from a range of departments, including outpatient clinics and endoscopy.

The commitment, hard work, dedication and enthusiasm shown despite the period of change and uncertainty was striking. The team worked collaboratively to ensure our patient were safe and received the highest standard of care. 

There were moments that were hard: wearing the hot personal protective equipment for long hours and supporting patients and relatives during times of uncertainty. 

We got through this as a team that supported each one another and we were able to appreciate the wellbeing services on the 7th floor and the healing room. 

We can’t forget the joyful cheering and support from the public every Thursday evening. Nor can we forget the kind generosity of the public for providing some delicious foods sent in for us to enjoy during our busy working day. 

The ward team was so much more than the just the ward nurses and nursing assistants.

We functioned as one: our team included the doctors, the therapist, the domestics and a whole range of allied health professionals and we supported each other to reach a common goal. 

Our shared goal was to ensure our patients and their loved ones received the highest standard of care that is possible.

Everyone matters in our team. Everyone plays a role.

Everyone’s role is respected and recognised.

We made it thorough as a team who saw this time of change and uncertainty as an opportunity and not a challenge. Well done team. 


 Baigan Bhartha Punjabi style – with thanks to sister Amanpal Kaur 


·     Two Aubergines 

·     One large onion 

·     Two or three green chilli 

·     Oil 

·     Cumin seeds 

·     Salt 

·     Garam Masala 

·     Two/three Tomatoes 

Take two aubergines – wash them and put them in a pre-heated oven until the skin get char black. 

Then remove the skin and mash them down. 

Heat some oil in a pan – add the chopped onion and cumin seeds and allow them to heat until lightly brown.

Then add the chopped green chillies, salt and garam masala (recommendation is half a teaspoon adjust according to taste) and the tomatoes. Mix these together. 

When the tomatoes are soft and mixed well with the onions, add in the mashed aubergines. 

Mix and heat the food throughout 

Please enjoy with Chipati or Pitta Bread. 


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