Calling all healthcare scientists! | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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Calling all healthcare scientists!

Healthcare scientists career path

Are you a Health Care Scientist (HCS)? Do you identify as an HCS? Apparently, there are over 50,000 of us in the NHS.

To introduce myself, my name is Art Tucker and I am the Lead Healthcare Scientist for our hospitals. I have worked in the Microvascular Unit at St Bartholomew's Hospital for over 25 years.

Clinical scientists are a diverse group working across a range fields such as clinical bioinformatics, life sciences, physical sciences and biomedical engineering, and physiological sciences.

We are currently planning a Trust-wide healthcare science network so that our roles and contributions gain a higher profile and contribute to the Barts transformation and network model, as well as establishing a forum for career development, support and collaboration.

However, to do so, we must know who you are and what you do. As we are so diverse and spread throughout the Trust, we do not have an up to date list of our teams. So, please take just a minute to introduce yourself to me via email. I am located at Barts Hospital and you can email me.

Professor Art Tucker

Lead healthcare scientist


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