AHPs Day Special - 60 seconds with Laura Grant | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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AHPs Day Special - 60 seconds with Laura Grant

How long have you worked here?

I’ve been working at Whipps for 27 years. I trained here as a student in 1990 and have been here ever since.

What does your job involve?

I’m lead orthoptist at Whipps which involves supporting patients of all ages with eye conditions such as lazy eye, eye balance and double vision issues.

How does it feel to have won your award?

It’s great to have been recognised and makes me proud as an orthoptist, especially as we’re a small part of the AHP group. Even though this was an individual award, it’s thanks to the great team I have around me – I couldn’t do my job without them so I felt like I was accepting it on their behalf too.

What is your biggest challenge working at the trust?

Time and stretched resources are always a challenge, particularly as we’re catering for a growing population.

What’s your proudest achievement?

I’m really proud of the patient support groups that I’ve helped to set up. One in particular is called ‘patch party’; a support group for children and their parents to meet other people who are in similar circumstances. The children love it because they get to see that they’re not the only ones who have to wear eye patches at school – it builds their confidence – and parents get to talk about their shared experiences.

How would you spend your ideal day off?

Baking. I’m well known for my brownies in the Eye Treatment Centre. 


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