60 seconds with...Anita Sam, PALS officer | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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60 seconds with...Anita Sam, PALS officer

What is your role here at The Royal London and what does it involve?

PALS act as intermediaries to hospital administrators on behalf of patients and their families. We collect data about patient care problems and report it to the appropriate departments. We also evaluate patient satisfaction and make suggestions for changes or improvements.

How long have you been at the Trust?

I have been as PALS officer since 2002.

What attracted you to this area of work?

PALS deal with many aspects of patient care, and I enjoy the variety in the routine. We assist patients and their families and helping them through what is often a difficult time for them is extremely satisfying for me.

How can staff take ownership of improving patient experience?

Patients experience care can help to improve services and highlight poor care.

There is emerging evidence that organisations with a strong emphasis on providing high-quality patient experience have found it is linked to better health outcomes. It sounds technical but really true that these patients will not readmit hospital care as often.  

Have you seen any significant changes in the number and/or type of complaints received recently?

At RLH Orthopaedics OPD and Ward AAU are the departments have had great improvement. The number of complaints/issues and concern have been reduced and received good feedback from patients and their families. One family praised that she will make donation to Barts Charity for the excellent treatment received.

What is the best part of your job?

I love my job because everyone shares the same vision and is dedicated to the mission in Barts Health.

Who can staff get in touch with if they have any questions or want to learn more?

Staff can visit PALS RLH on the second floor or email us: rlhpals.bartshealth@nhs.net.



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