60 seconds with... June Silver, volunteer at Whipps Cross | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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60 seconds with... June Silver, volunteer at Whipps Cross

What made you decide to become a volunteer? 

My husband sadly passed away and I wanted to find something to fill my time. A friend of mine suggested that I should join the volunteer team at Whipps Cross Hospital and I’ve been doing it ever since.


How long have you been a volunteer for?

I started volunteering 14 years ago, but Whipps Cross has always been my local hospital. It’s been fascinating to see the hospital evolve over the years.


What does your volunteering role entail?

I meet and greet patients who come into the outpatients department. I’m a helping hand for patients who need a little help with directions, or I chat to those who may feel worried or concerned about a relative who is staying on one of our wards. We have to keep a tally chart to keep track of the amount of patients that see us in a day, and on an average day I can meet and help up to 200 people.


What do you enjoy most about volunteering?

I enjoy helping people and making them feel calmer and reassured when they visit hospital. I’ve always been happy at Whipps Cross as I enjoy making a difference, so that’s why I love volunteering.


What would you to say to someone who was considering getting involved with volunteering?

It’s a truly rewarding experience and I have made some life-long friends over the years. If you feel lonely or socially isolated, volunteering is a fantastic way to develop your skills and create a brand new set of friends with patients and staff.




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