60 Seconds with… Fiona Halstead and Carol Thrower | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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60 Seconds with… Fiona Halstead and Carol Thrower

Reflections on the Royal London 14/15th floor expansion

What was your role before the expansion, and what has been your role during the expansion? 
We both come from an acute clinical and management background and were part of the original commissioning team for The Royal London and St Bartholomew’s Hospitals new build program.

Following this, we now have roles within the estates and facilities department. Carol is Head of Projects for the PFI and Fiona is Clinical Compliance and Clinical Advisor for the Trust. During the expansion we have been working together on clinical planning and commissioning all the 176 ITU beds on the 14th and 15th moth balled floors.


What have you been responsible for? 
We’ve been responsible for the Clinical planning, working with the design team from a brief of all ventilated L3 beds. The procurement of the fixed furniture and clinical commissioning of all areas working with a multi-disciplinary team from design to final completion.


What has been the biggest challenge? 
The biggest challenge has been the time scale of the project – from start to finish in just 6 weeks!


What has been your best highlight? 
Collaborative working with a dedicated, enthusiastic and ‘can do’ attitude team at all levels to ensure the project timelines were met.


How are you feeling now it’s completed? 
We’re exhausted and emotional but extremely proud of everyone!


Tell us an interesting fact about the build. 
We’ve utilised space where perhaps this wasn’t intended or envisioned. It also has amazing views!


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