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25 years plus - celebrating our long-service colleagues

Newham Hospital 25 year servers presentation

This week, we celebrate members of the Newham Hospital family who have worked here for 25 years or more. Congratulations to them on reaching this milestone.

Carol Calder – stores manager, ITU, celebrating 25 years 

What does it mean to you to reach this milestone?

“It means a lot to me to reach this milestone. It has been a pleasure to have worked at Newham Hospital for so long. I have actually worked here since 1984 – first on the domestic side and then from 1996, in the intensive care unit. And I’m still here today!”

What’s kept you working in the Barts Health family for such a long time?

“A big part of it has to be my colleagues – they are like extended family to me and I’ve really enjoyed working with them all for over two decades.

“It’s also been great getting to work with many different people – doctors, nurses, therapists – as well as patients and their families. I’ve enjoyed my time working at Newham Hospital – it’s been a very rewarding job. I will be very sad when the time comes for me to retire.”

It's been a very rewarding job

Radhica Ramoutar-Seepaul – respiratory clinical nurse specialist, celebrating 25 years

What does it mean to you to reach this milestone?

“It means so much to me to have reached this milestone. After I came to the UK to complete my training in 1991, I got a job at Newham Hospital in 1996 – it was nerve racking. But I’ve had outstanding mentors at Newham Hospital who have been very understanding and helped me to feel at home, like I could accomplish anything. Looking back over the last 25 years, I’m proud to say I have accomplished a lot.”

What’s kept you working in the Barts Health family for such a long time?

“The opportunities to learn and progress are a big part of what’s kept me in the Barts Health family for such a long time. I started out as a band 5 nurse, and have worked my way up to being a clinical nurse specialist in respiratory care. I was only able to do this because I was offered the training I needed to progress and also supported to move up the ladder.

I've met colleagues who are now friends

“I also just love my job and get great satisfaction from it. I love working with people from different teams via multidisciplinary care and I’ve met colleagues who are now friends.”

Surita Mahandru – patient pathway co-ordinator, celebrating 40 years

What does it mean to you to reach this milestone?

“I feels a great sense of pride to have worked here for so long, and of the work I’ve done over the last 40 years. I’m also proud to say I have worked with a lot of different consultants and specialities over the years, including many gastroenterologists.”

What’s kept you working in the Barts Health family for such a long time?

“This was my first job when I moved here from Kenya. I always wanted to work in a medical-oriented field and so this job was perfect. I’ve always found the nature of the work very interesting and even though I had several opportunities to move into another field, I decided to stay because I thoroughly enjoy working as a medical secretary. I also stayed because I’ve learned a great deal – I enjoy learning new medical terminology every day and that’s made my job really interesting. 

I've been especially lucky with the people I work with

“Finally, I’ve been especially lucky with the people I’ve worked with, especially  the consultants. They’re kind, courteous and supportive – especially in gastroenterology department – and that was one of the factors that’s made me stay so long.”

Susan Gelding – consultant in endocrinology and diabetes, celebrating 25 years

What does it mean to you to reach this milestone?

“It really doesn’t feel like 25 years – probably because working at Newham Hospital is so fast-paced and no two days are ever the same!"

What's kept you working in the Barts Health family for such a long   time?

“I’d say it’s the local population, as well as having the opportunity to branch out and develop my role.

“Newham is an incredibly diverse area and the medicine we see every day at the hospital is complex and challenging – but above all, rewarding.  I’ve seen cases I’d only expect to read about in textbooks – it was this that prompted me to set up a weekly hospital grand round to share the learning.

It's been tremendous to support so many enthusiastic students

“I’ve also been lucky enough to be able to build a multidisciplinary team of over 50 staff, work closely with primary care to establish one of the first community diabetes services in the UK and be the associate dean for undergraduates at the hospital. It’s been tremendous to support so many enthusiastic students, who often return as confident trainees and then choose to stay permanently at Newham as consultants or GPs.”

25 years long service

Susan Gelding

Radhica Ramoutar-Seepaul

Serena Fisher

Francis Chinegwundoh

Shanti Vijayaraghavan

Susan Shepherd

Jane Dublin

Susan Davis

Carol Calder

Ludivina Lue Quee

30 years long service

Zella Greenland

Elizabeth Lindsay

Paulson Daniel

William King

40 years long service

Surita Mahandru


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