Mireille to leave the trust after 24 years | Our news

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Mireille to leave the trust after 24 years

Portrait photo of Mireille Brade, chair of Staff Side

Mireille (spoken as Miy-REY) Brade, our long-serving Staff Side chair and good friend to so many colleagues around our hospitals, is leaving at the end of March to take up a prestigious position as a Speak Up Guardian with the National Guardian Service.

“I’m not a glory hunter, and I’ve never been comfortable with being in the spotlight. That’s one of the reasons I’ve loved my 24 years here. I started working at The Royal London hospital, and since 2013 when Barts Health was being formed I’ve been at the helm of the machinery that has oiled the partnership between trade unions and senior management. At every step of the way I have worked in and alongside some phenomenal teams.

"Initially I was introduced to The Royal London by a dear and late friend, Joanne Boyce, to whom I will be eternally grateful. I am so sad that she isn’t around to see how I’ve grown and thrived, due to the opportunity she gave me.

"From working in the IT Y2K department (remember when we had to make sure the computers and electrical equipment weren’t going to blow up at 00:01 hrs at the start of the millennium?); to Staff Bank; to admissions; to the bereavement office; to the discharge planning team; then eventually Staff Side Chair – teamwork has made my dreams work!

"I grew up in a family of trade union supporters so being an activist myself was the natural path to follow. I have always been one to stand up for the underdog – be they a classmate in school; a recovered patient with no home to return to, or a staff member when managers have got things horribly wrong!

"My union participation really began when I attended a hospital meeting and criticised the representatives for their lack of engagement. I was challenged to become a representative if I thought I could do better. And because I believed I could, I did!

"I was a Unison representative for two years, and branch secretary for five. With an amazing team we grew the membership by 750 members in 12 months. I joined Staff Side, was soon nominated as chair by my peers, and continued in that role to the present day. Working in partnership with leaders across our sites in order to support the staff voice is about being a critical friend to the organisation and holding it to account where necessary. It also involves acting as an ambassador for the Trust – again enabling me to meet some amazing people!  

"My NHS career actually started at Moorfieds Eye hospital at the age of 17 where I ran the private patient clinics for Professor Bird, a specialist in Retinitis pigmentosa. I then moved on to Guy's Hospital for a short time in an administrative role in the catering department, before coming to Whitechapel. 

"I believe my relationship with Barts Health has stood the test of time because of our unique ethos of togetherness. When attacks came from outside, my comrades and colleagues from inside the Trust were always there in the trenches to ward off opposition. So, while I am elated to be moving on to pastures new, I am also a bit sad to be saying goodbye and leaving such amazing team players behind.

"I am unable to name everyone here, but I’d like the following people to take a virtual bow for the support and encouragement you’ve given me over the years: Michael Pantlin, Alwen Williams, Liam Slattery,  Aminatta Lisk, Dee Mullner, Caroline Brocklehurst,  Sadia Naseem,  Ros Waring, Andrew Hines, Shane DeGaris,  Delvir Mehet,  Daniel Waldron, Michael Edwards, Valerie Philips, Robin Gilham, Julia Miller, Nick Porteous, Sally Ann Spring, Kauren Miller,  Pauline Pilgrim, Banji, Samantha Ming, Lydia Warren, Misha, Solarov, James Yates,  Ajit Abraham, Megan Skinner, Kelly Ann Prime, Dionne Daniels, Diana Panicker, Raseed Ogularu, Gloria Sindall, Will Gilley,  Donna Steele, Veronica Lee, Tigist Teferi, Celina Mfuko, Kevin Irefeke and Tracy Brown, Leonard Cowan.

"May you all continue to be blessed and make the advances you want to make in the future!”


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  1. Alison Gibbs Tuesday, 27 February 2024 at 10:47 AM

    All the best in your new role ,you have a good heart to everyone who cross your path

  2. Ray Singh Tuesday, 27 February 2024 at 11:04 AM

    Miss you already! x

  3. Ros Waring Tuesday, 27 February 2024 at 11:36 AM

    Dear Mireille
    I'll miss you very much. Thank you for all your invaluable support to me and the wider programmes we've worked on together. Congratulations on your exiting new role - you will be fantastic! You career continues to go from strength to strength.
    Best wishes

  4. Maire Heneghan Tuesday, 27 February 2024 at 01:36 PM

    Best of luck with your next adventure.
    Thanks for everything you have done for us your colleagues enabling us to give the best service to our patients over these many years.

  5. Sarah Jensen Tuesday, 27 February 2024 at 01:43 PM

    We will miss you Mireille. You don't need luck - you'll smash it. Thank you for everything.

  6. Julia Miller Tuesday, 27 February 2024 at 01:57 PM

    So lovely to be included in Mireille's shout out! X
    The National Guardian Service's gain is our loss but huge congratulations on your new job!
    You'll missed!
    Julia :-)
    Trust Staffside Secretary
    Unison Barts and the London Branch Secretary

  7. Jessica Apaloo Tuesday, 27 February 2024 at 04:18 PM

    Mireille, it was a pleasure working with you and wishing you all the best in your new role!

  8. Adam Farish Wednesday, 28 February 2024 at 08:26 AM

    Have a good one!

  9. Andrew Hines Wednesday, 28 February 2024 at 03:31 PM

    You're an inspiration and a fantastic role model. You'll be much missed but I know you'll enjoy and rise to the new challenge and continue to grow.

  10. Kath Evans Wednesday, 28 February 2024 at 04:04 PM

    What a fabulous career! Very best wishes in your new role!

  11. Karen Pannell Wednesday, 28 February 2024 at 04:04 PM

    Best of wishes in your new job role, You have been very supportive in your role over the years. Blessings to you for the future!!

  12. Cheryl Nevin Friday, 1 March 2024 at 12:31 PM

    Best of luck in your new role, which I am sure you will excel at.

  13. Vanya Arbuah Monday, 4 March 2024 at 11:33 AM

    Thank you Mireille for all the support you have given during my time here, You fairness and wisdom will be missed.
    Good luck in your next adventure, they are truly blessed to have you within their ranks.

  14. Tracy Brown Monday, 4 March 2024 at 04:13 PM

    Good Luck Mireille in your new ventures. You have gone from strength to strength and will be an asset to all the teams that you work with in the future. Best wishes and it has been great to work with you.

  15. Zoe Romain Monday, 4 March 2024 at 05:14 PM

    All the best Mireille. You have been fantastic to work with and Barts is losing a much valued member of staff. You will be missed.

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