Preparing the ground for a new hospital at Whipps Cross – the demolition of derelict buildings and parking changes | Our news

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Preparing the ground for a new hospital at Whipps Cross – the demolition of derelict buildings and parking changes

nurse site

We’re aiming to build a new hospital at Whipps Cross providing the same core services as today, including A&E and maternity, offering more modern healthcare facilities, in better surroundings, for the whole community.

Subject to approvals, it is proposed that a new hospital be built on the disused former nurses’ accommodation site, allowing the existing hospital to remain fully operational during construction of the new one.

We need to safely remove the old, disused buildings on the nurses’ site in order to prepare the ground for the future construction of a new hospital. A demolition contractor (Squibb Group Limited) has been appointed and shortly, around the Whipps Cross site, you will start to see activity from them as they prepare to commence demolition. This activity will include ongoing ground surveys, removal of some diseased trees, setting up of an on-site office and the expansion of car parking elsewhere on site so as to maintain current parking provision. The current hospital will remain fully operational during the demolition process and the construction of the new hospital. No hospital services will be affected.

From Monday 29 March 2021 the demolition contractor will erect protective hoardings around the disused buildings to ensure safety on site and to reduce noise and dust. As each old building is removed, new temporary surface car parking will take its place. By removing one building at a time we can minimise disruption for patients and staff and additional spaces are being made available in order to maintain current parking provision during the demolition phases.

The demolition activities will commence on Monday 12 April 2021. Demolition site hours will be between 8:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Friday and on Saturdays between 8:00am and 1:00pm where activities cannot be completed in the normal working hours of Monday to Friday. We anticipate all the old buildings to be removed by the end of 2021. Demolition vehicles will enter and leave via James Lane.

This demolition represents the exciting start of the proposed redevelopment of Whipps Cross which is aiming to bring a new state-of-the-art hospital to Waltham Forest by 2026 followed by a new neighbourhood with new homes, green spaces and local facilities.

For further information please take a look at our FAQ on the demolition works.

More information about the wider redevelopment plans can be found on our website


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