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Sara is our October Hero of the Month

Sara Hiles is Newham's Hero of the Month for October.

Sara was nominated for stepping in during a security incident, prioritising well-being and showing exceptional collaboration.

There was a significant security incident just outside the postnatal ward. I was on scene and Sara stepped in to help with this. She had the well-being of the mother as her priority. This was a high stress situation and she enabled me to be freed up operationally to help coordinate whilst she was available for any clinical incident. This was all as she was on her way home. She didn't have to step in to help but should collaboration and respect. It was support I was not expecting to receive but was so grateful for. Her assistance made the situation so much less stressful.

Congratulations Sara!

Know someone who's made a difference? Why not nominate them for a Hero of the month award.

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  1. loraldann Sunday, 19 May 2024 at 04:46 PM

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